19 weeks 6 days – Almost half way.

It’s twenty past five in the morning, and I have my anatomy scan booked for eight and a half hours from now. I was always that person that got really overly excited over things and couldn’t sleep a wink the night before. I thought maybe that I’d grown past this, I mean, I’ve slept through […]

18 weeks 1 day and some tmis.

So I’ve managed to find some things I’m not so fond of it the second trimester! And they both revolve around sex… For the last couple of weeks now, my nipples will leak when my boobs are squeezed… lovely. On top of that, over the last few days I’ve started having braxton hicks. Every. Time. […]

16 weeks 5 days

I haven’t written in a while because, well, I’ve had nothing to complain about and therefore not much to say… I don’t really feel pregnant at all. I think if it weren’t for my belly growing and needing to pee so damn often I would completely forget. That is until I’m around a multitude of […]

Pregnancy hormones. 

God how does anyone deal with this shit. I’m bi polar so I thought I knew ridiculous emotions.  I did not know ridiculous emotions.  My partner has now been away for six weeks. We have five months left until he gets home to me. I’m not dealing so well. I cry ALL of the time. […]

Happy birthday. (8 weeks 1 day)

It’s half past two in the morning. I can’t sleep because my back is being a little bitch. But as I sit here eating a quarter of a birthday cake that’s leftover from my just birthday (technically yesterday now), guzzling the same flavour breakfast drink I have had every day since my body realised it […]

Looking forward

(Let’s see how long this lasts) Tonight (right now) I am smoking my last smoke. No more anything from this point on. It’s the least my baby deserves.  I’ve written a short list of things to do tomorrow as well as a couple for before I go to bed.  Tonight I will clean the kitchen, […]